Neural Networks
Well, neural networks. Doesn’t that sound like some sort of engineering circuit? It really isn’t. The truth is every single human being has neural circuits constantly running through them,
Let’s start off by recapping on what a neuron is. To put it very simply, a neuron is a nerve cell. They are specialized cells constantly transmitting nerve impulses. These nerve impulses is what allow us to do everything. They allows us to think, to eat, to sleep, to move, and I could keep going on and on. I cannot stress enough the importance of neurons and neural circuits in our bodies.
Neural networks are then the combination of all the neurons to perform the task given by the brain, such as processing visual information, generating movement, a reflex action, or even recognizing letters. Above is pictured an artificial neural networks, including the main part being the inputs and outputs, which would be the neural networks.
For xNeurals purpose, we all mainly be discussing artificial neural networks as this is what we will be using in our later products to help with autism and such. In this case, the neural network can also be similar to our smartphone’s ability to recognize our faces. Artificial neural networks is essentially the future of medical technology in trying to find “cures” for incurable syndromes and disorders such as autism. These artificial networks would work by simulating our brain, basically simulating the neurons and the layers as shown in the above picture. We can then use this artificial simulation to help understand autistic brains, and the brains of those with other spectrum differences, and be able to create something amazing to help them communicate with us and live an even fuller life.
Aizenman, C. (n.d.). Neuroscience in Action: Understanding our Brains and Nervous System .
Neural Circuits: Neuroscience in Action.
Artificial neural networks for machine learning — every aspect you need to know about.
DataFlair. (2021, March 8).
Tam Nguyen Assistant Professor. (2020, December 11). What is a neural network? A computer
scientist explains. The Conversation. a-computer-scientist-explains-151897.
- Jayvanti Vanmanthai